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Optimizing DNS

Optimizing DNS


DNS is the system which is used to convert human-readable hostnames (such as into the IP addresses that are actually used to contact the services running upon them.

Caching DNS

If you’re running applications that require the lookup of a large number of IP addresses the single best thing you can do is deploy a local DNS-cache.

Many services perform DNS lookups, including webservers and log-analyzing software, and mail-servers.

NOTE: Mail-servers might perform significantly more DNS lookups than you expect if you’re using a DNS-based blacklist for rejecting SPAM at submission-time.

One of the simplest DNS dedicated DNS-caches is pdnsd, this works in two ways:

  • Unknown queries are passed to your “upstream” DNS servers.
    • i.e. The DNS servers you’re already using if you have no cache present.
  • Queries that have been seen before are returned from the cache.
    • Subject to the usual TTL values.

Installing pdnsd on Debian Systems

Installation is pretty simple, using the standard aptitude command:

# aptitude install pdnsd

Once installed you need to change the “START_DAEMON=” setting to be “yes” in /etc/default/pdnsd, at which point you can start the deamon:

# /etc/init.d/pdnsd start

Assuming that works you can test the software by performing a lookup, and timing it:

$ dig -t a @ | grep time
;; Query time: 29 msec

Repeating that lookup should show the second attempt took zero seconds:

$ dig -t a @ | grep time
;; Query time: 0 msec

If that second query was indeed “instant” then you can switch to using your caching DNS server by updating /etc/resolv.conf to refer to it:



Author: Steve Kemp, of

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