
5 Genius Ways to Accelerate Employee Onboarding

Accelerate Employee Onboarding

In the post-pandemic era, you’re probably focused on growth. One of the key elements to growing your business is hiring new employees. This is something that isn’t always easy, though, especially if you’re hiring large numbers of employees. To make the process smoother, you need to accelerate employee onboarding. Once you do this, employees can settle into your company much more quickly, and you can then continue to hire new employees in the process. 

In order to accelerate employee onboarding, you’ll need a little help. The good news is that you don’t need to call anyone for help, as this guide has everything you need. 

1. Switch to an Identity Management Provider 

Usually, one of the most difficult parts of employee onboarding is setting up their company accounts across all of your applications, such as Gmail and Salesforce. Nobody likes dealing with this due to the fact that it usually takes hours to do and also involves the employee creating their own passwords (which they often forget). 

Finally, there’s a solution that you can use in 2023: switch to a federated identity management provider. Through a federate identity system, you’ll be able to onboard employees super quickly, as they’ll have instant access to all of the applications they need from day one.  

Many business owners want to know what is federated identity. In a nutshell, it’s a third-party management system that allows employees to use the same login credentials across all business websites and applications — no separate passwords, no confusion. It’s a lifesaver for businesses that are currently struggling with employee onboarding.

2. Provide an Employee Handbook 

Once an individual has agreed to join your company and everyone is happy, you should provide them with an employee handbook (either digital or physical) right away. Inside the employee handbook should be a welcome statement, company policies, workplace culture information, and more. In many cases, if an employee has a question, they’ll then be able to find an answer to it in the handbook. 

3. Allow Plenty of Time for Training 

Employees don’t like to feel as though they’re being rushed into a new position. This is why allowing plenty of time for employee training is key. However, the training should be made available online and condensed into an easy-to-absorb package so that the employee can complete the training online at home as quickly as possible. 

4. Assign a Mentor

If your new employee is going to be working in the office, make sure to assign them a mentor. The idea behind this is that the mentor helps the new employee to settle in and feel like a part of the team. Also, the mentor will be able to help the new employee with any issues they have, such as not knowing how to use a particular app.  

5. Stay In Contact in the Lead-up to Start Day 

Finally, don’t forget to stay in contact with your new hire in the lead-up to their start day. Again, that’ll help them to relax and not feel nervous before they start. Also, many new hires have lots of questions on their mind prior to their first day in the office, so you’ll have plenty of time to answer them beforehand. 

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