
How To Get A Free Traffic Generator Using Otohits and Docker!?

free traffic generator

While searching for a free traffic generator App that can be used for the testing proposes, I found a suitable Otohits traffic exchange Docker container with their web Autosurf application, as it is simple enough and ready to use.

This lab can be applied for Linux and Windows OS, as it depends on The Docker Engine. so in this lab, we will:

  1. Setup a high-quality real traffic conditions from the Otohits account control panel.
  2. Build and deploy Otohits, the traffic exchange Docker container, On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VPS, And Windows OS.

Step1: Get your Otohits Account

Register Your Otohits Account

By visiting the Otohits website URL Here, and creating your new account as the usual for a simple registration process

Otohits Register A New Account For Auto Surfing and Traffic exchange

Now you can start getting free hits and real traffic for your website using the traffic exchange protocol following the next steps.

Add Your Website To The Traffic Exchange System

We need to add our website to the auto-surfing and traffic exchange system, so we will go to our account dashboard and select My sites from the left side menu as shown

Otohits add new website

Each website you will add to the system will take several hours to review, then will be approved by the system.

Setting Up The high-quality Web Traffic 

While adding a new website we can set the traffic quality that we need to allow, we will apply the following settings:

  • Setting visit duration Timer, which controls the time to stay on the website
  • Setting the GeoLocation of the accepted visit.

Otohits basic settings

  • Apply High-Quality Traffic, which avoids Proxy, VPN, and Otohits Auto-surfing Server APP, just accept visits that come from a normal browsing process.
  • Hide and change the visit referral, and the User-Agent.

When applying the referrals, and user-agent options, you will need to select your prefers values from a suggestion selected box.

Otohits advanced options

Now we can go to the technical part and start building and deploying the Otohits Docker Container, on our Ubuntu VPS, Linux box, or Windows OS.

Step2: Install Docker And Docker Engine

Installing Docker On our Ubuntu VPS.

if you are not a root, start the interactive root shell, by using sudo -i,

Update and Upgrade Ubuntu Linux

# apt update
# apt upgrade

Installing Docker Repository and GPG

# apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \
# curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
# echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Install Docker Engine

# apt-get update
# apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

And to run the Otohits On Windows, you will need to follow the post The Best Way to Install Docker Desktop On Windows As A Professional steps to install Docker Engine on your Windows OS device.

Step3: Run The Otohits Traffic Exchange Docker Container

Get Your Otohits Unique Application Key

From the sidebar menu – select Application, Then you can see your automatically generated Application key

Use the application key to run the Otohits Docker container like the following, and start to gain and count points that can be assigned to your website as e-coins for exchange visiting with your website.

Run The Otohits Docker Container

docker run -e APPLICATION_KEY=8c090c25-c24b-4891-8bc4-384fe092d4b0 otohits/app:latest

Do not forget to replace the example application key with yours.

Assign Otohits Points To Your Website

Go to my site’s sidebar menu, then edit your website settings to add points to it.

Otohits add and assign points to a website

About Free Traffic Generator And Traffic Exchange Protocol

You need to know that, with our settings, we can get real traffic but it’s not worth it enough, I mean this traffic is not targeted and at the same time it’s not that traffic quality is accepted by the biggest Ad Network ie Google Adsense.

But it’s worth it for Testing your web server and for SEO tools websites ie Similarweb ranking, Ahrefs UR DR, Moz DA, and others that collect their data depending on leaks, illegal marketing reports, bad bots, and traffic that can be spying on it.

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