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Software Development Engineer in Test, “The Jack of all Development Tasks”

Software development engineer

Who is SDET?

SDET can be described as the developer who develops and tests the product by creating the tools to test the product. It means an engineer/professional who can work in development and testing roles in the competitive IT environment. These engineers get involved in the development lifecycle. Software development engineer in test can work in the development team but mainly works for the quality assurance team and conducts testing tasks.

The codes written by the SDET (software development engineer in test) are based on automation frameworks and automated testing tools. The automation frameworks developed by the Software Engineer in Test are used to get efficient test results in the process of development.

Responsibility of Software Development Engineer in Test

Responsibility of Software Development Engineer in Test

SDET is responsible for understanding the product details, requirements of clients and development limitations. They understand the functionality of systems by learning through original system documentation. The knowledge of systems and requirements gives the advantage to SDETs to design a testing framework/tool that is efficient and effective.

SDETs have the knowledge of software development and quality assurance and utilize the skills to develop the automation of testing. The automated testing scripts are written by these professionals due to knowledge of both processes. The testing frameworks developed by these engineers could be used across diverse platforms and devices. They use their testing knowledge to determine the flaws and bugs in the system and in testing scripts quickly.

Test cases are used to test if the software of a product is functioning appropriately. SDETs often create multiple use cases to check if the product is working correctly. Test cases are designed based on the requirements of the product. 

A testing procedure could be designed by a SDET to check if the desired response after clicking a button is generated as was defined in the product requirements. Test cases may fail and software development engineers in test,  investigate the cause of failure. They often conduct their individual testing and code searching to identify the issues in the script.

They can update the software themselves or can send the flawed script to the developers to resolve the problems in the script. They also record the outcomes of various test cases. This documentation is used further by other teams, and it is essential to record the test results thoroughly and accurately. The test outcomes documentation is used to remove the issues in coding, to embed the module script in other lengthy codes and in deployment and maintenance.

Requirements for Software Development Engineer in Test

IT organisations prefer IT professionals experienced in quality assurance to enter this job position. The SDET role demands the knowledge of both technical development and quality assurance. The experience of working as junior level tester, software developer helps in becoming a Software development engineer in test.

Although there may not be demand for certification in multiple organisations, it improves the qualification and possibility of growth. Online courses like offered at WEDEVX could be taken to become a designated SDET to boost career growth.

Skills of Software Development Engineer in Test

An SDET must have multiple skills that are given through the professional course of WEDEVX. The WEDEVX SDET course improves the technical skills of engineers to understand source code and to develop test code, scripts, and test cases. SDET has skills of project management to understand and deal with the process and project plans effectively.

Diverse quality assurance tools are used by various organisations in their quality assurance teams. They have experience with various QA tools that help the organisational demands. The SDET course at WEDEVX also enhances the soft skills that are used in written and verbal communication that helps the engineers to write effective use cases and avoid communication issues.

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