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Top 7 Most Wanted WordPress Plugins For News and Magazine Website

7 Wordpress news and magazine plugins
7 Wordpress news and magazine plugins

When trying to build a WordPress news website, I do searching plugins to collect all needed workflow and processing plugins.

In this articles I will list the top 7 of them and can considered as most wanted plugins for publishers website.

1- Guest Author Name: When having non registered authors (gust author), you will need to alter the Author Name field  of the post, and replace its value with the gust author information.

2- Instant Indexing: When your website at its initial stage, normally new posts will take longer time from Google Search Engine Crawlers to get indexed, but for avoid any late or missed post indexing, you will need to this very useful plugin, works as google ping for each new post using Google Indexing API.

3- NextScripts The Social Networks Auto-Poster: What about extend your website traffic sources, and open new connection with multiple and famous social networks around all the world. this plugin allow you auto post for Telegram, VK, OK, Reddit and many others including the well known socials.

4- OneSignal Push Notifications: Push notification is the swiss knife of the publishers websites, but Onesignal is preferred with WordPress because of the simplicity of integration process between it and the PWA plugins, and beside its free for first 30K subscriber.

5- Super Progressive Web Apps: This plugin will do all magic, and convert you site to PWA  in just few values and clicks, and provide automatic integration with OneSignal Push Notification service, The Pro version of this plugin allow you to create and download your APK Android application file for your website.

6- AMP: This plugin will create your WordPress AMP version off all your Posts, that’s very important thing to work with Google Search Engine.

7- Scheduled Post Trigger: You may schedule your posts for a specific to publish time/date, this plugin helps to avoid any mistakes in the Posts publishing queue that depends on WordPress or system Cron.

I know publisher’s website will need more features, and more plugins but I just add here in this blog article, the most wanted plugins, but other than the famous used.

Hope that helps

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