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X64dbg The Open Source Reverse Engineering debugger tool for windows


x64dbg is an open source reverse engineering software that support debugging binary, and pre-compiled files in x64/x32 bit, works for Windows OS.

x64dbg is building over open source libraries, and uses C++ && Qt to add new features.

x64dbg is a extendable, and community aware software, that can make a malware decompiling, analysis, and debugging. so reverse engineering processing of pre-compiled and executables files ie .dll, and .exe files that may you don’t have there source codes.

X64dbg The Open Source Reverse Engineering debugger tool for windows

x64dbg can do fast disassembler processing, and file memory map, memory dumping, symbol view, thread view, and more analyzing and debugging features that can be found at the classical OllyDbg.

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