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How to Centos Mitmproxy Installation and Configuration

How to Centos Mitmproxy Installation and Configuration


Mitmproxy is an interactive man-in-the-middle proxy for HTTP and HTTPS with a console interface.


  • Intercept HTTP & HTTPS requests and responses and modify them on the fly
  • Save complete HTTP conversations for later replay and analysis
  • Replay the client-side of an HTTP conversations
  • Replay HTTP responses of a previously recorded server
  • Reverse proxy mode to forward traffic to a specified server
  • Transparent proxy mode on OSX and Linux
  • Make scripted changes to HTTP traffic using Python
  • SSL/TLS certificates for interception are generated on the fly
  • And much, much more…

The mitmproxy 3 Main tools and commands are:

mitmdump is the command-line version of mitmproxy. Think tcpdump for HTTP.

mitmweb is a web-based interface for mitmproxy.

mitmproxy command line is your swiss-army knife for debugging, testing, privacy measurements, and penetration testing.
It can be used to intercept, inspect, modify and replay web traffic such as HTTP/1, HTTP/2, WebSockets, or any other SSL/TLS-protected protocols.
You can prettify and decode a variety of message types ranging from HTML to Protobuf, intercept specific messages on-the-fly, modify them before they reach their destination, and replay them to a client or server later on.

MitmProxy WorkShop

we need newer Python version > 3.4, That’s reuired by mitmproxy, so will install the EPEL and SCL repositoires as following

yum install epel-release
yum install centos-release-scl


For mor information about centos-release-scl see The Software Collections ( SCL ) Repository

Install Python 3.6 version

yum install rh-python36-python rh-python36-python-devel rh-python36-PyYAML

Now we need to add Python 3.6 safely and permanent to PATH Environment Variable

echo 'pathmunge /opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/bin' > /etc/profile.d/

update pip3.6 and install pyasn package

pip3.6 install --upgrade pip
pip3.6 install pyasn

Install mitmproxy

pip3.6 install mitmproxy

Extacting mitmproxy options for our profile

mitmproxy -p 8888 --options > ~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml

now we get the man in the middle proxy ready to use,
and we can override default options using ~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml configuration file.
for more about available options and information.

Run the mitmproxy

mitmproxy -p port_number

to running but listen to public IP address

you can modify the config files ~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml by allowing “true” for remote access

# Allow remote clients to connect to proxy. If set to false, client will
# not be able to connect to proxy unless it is on the same network or
# the proxyauth option is set Type bool.
#allow_remote: false
allow_remote: true

How to Centos Mitmproxy Installation and Configuration
mitmproxy cmd output screen

Installing complete.
Next step ie, injecting codes, debugging, redirection and more..

Useful links


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